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Enactive Presence Lab
Elias Cohen
Hernan Diaz

The main purpose of the Enactive Presence Lab is to explore embodied practices to situate actors and dancers as researchers through updated ways of generating reflective theory with an experiential base. This documentary explores the importance in research of “moving" the ordinary perceptual state to perceive holistically rather than linearly or sequentially. This ‘alternative state’ was used to explore embodied representations in planet formation research. The main epistemological influence of this embodied research was informed by the ‘Santiago School of Cognition’ which contains the fruitful work of Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana. The research was supported with measurement and check-up of data that emerged from the practices through EEG technology. The main result of this study was the co-relation of embodied practices generating drastic perceptual changes in the participants, producing a high level of theta waves, allowing integrative, intuitive, and holistic ways of producing embodied knowledge in relation to education and planet formation research
Elias Cohen, Hernan Diaz
Finis Terrae University/ Santiago University of Technology
Elias Cohen: Theatre Director, choreographer, pedagogue, meditator and interdisciplinary researcher with a strong base within the embodied cognition theory, applied mobilities studies and transpersonal psychology. Active researcher and collaborator in interdisciplinary teams that seek creativity and inclusion in their perspectives. Director and founder of KiM Theatre & Dance Platform since 2006 (Chile, Bolivia, Germany). His stage works have been presented in South America, Europe, and Asia, covering theatre, dance, ethnographic performance, physical theatre, site specific, rural theatre and contemporary circus.
Hernán Díaz: is a biologist, professor and researcher in neuroscience and behaviour. He obtained his training in neurophysiology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Chile and did his Master's thesis studying the effect of the environment on the neurophysiological, behavioural, and communicative characteristics of marine mammals in the islands of the Juan Fernandez Archipelago off the coast of Chile. In the course of his doctoral studies at the University of Santiago de Chile, he has published numerous publications focused on understanding the functioning of the brain in the context of complex systems and chaos theory